PEMF Therapy Benefits

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy or PEMF is gaining popularity because of its benefits.

This article will explore the mechanics of PEMF therapy, the right PEMF device, the many benefits of PEMF therapy and how each of these benefits can be gained through the use of PEMF therapy and the conditions that can benefit from PEMF therapy.

If you are interested in finding out what PEMF therapy is and what it entails then read our article on what is PEMF therapy?

This article will focus only on the benefits of PEMF therapy.


PEMF Mechanics

Before we understand the benefits of PEMF therapy, it is important to understand the mechanics of how PEMF therapy works.

For starters, it is important to distinguish between Electromagnetic Field therapy or EMF and PEMF.

Unlike PEMF, changes in EMF can get in the way of the natural functions and magnetic fields within the human body.

The problem lies in the ability of the human body to endure the magnetic fields or not.

In the cases of EMF, they are high in frequency and not in sync with the human body.

However PEMF keeps this in mind and is designed keeping the human body and cell breakdown in mind.

Given that PEMF is designed keeping the human body in mind, research shows that it is statistically very unlikely that you will experience any complications after the use of PEMF therapy.

The increase in popularity and awareness in recent years has extended the use and research of PEMF therapy.

Research evidence shows that PEMF therapy lowers swelling and has the ability to mitigate pain.

Both of which are key in many types of healing.

The machines are designed keeping the body in mind and act by stimulating the tissues without interfering with muscles or nerves.

The best part is that it can be affordable and effective without any side effects if you choose to pick the right device.

The holistic approach of PEMF therapy ensures that the body is only given something that it can handle.

Unlike other forms of therapy which may introduce alien parts and technology to your body, PEMF therapy is designed keeping your body in mind.

The best part is that PEMF therapy mechanics are designed in such a way that they stimulate the electromagnetic fields inside our bodies to combat and address any possible complication our body may have.

And it is a non invasive option that poses minimal risks, making it approved for use in many countries including the USA, Canada and countries across the EU like Germany, Switzerland and more.


Right PEMF Device

The right PEMF device for you is one that is affordable, safe and durable.

But, the requirements do not end there, the right device is also one that brings in the desired results for you.

In the research and vetting process, make sure you do not overlook warranties either.

Warranties are a direct reflection of how the company feels about the PEMF device they are marketing and are often a good vetting option.

Once you have all of this sorted, the most important thing to consider is the build of the device.

For example, you want your device to be built using non toxic materials to ensure your safety and the longevity of your device.

In terms of the making of the PEMF device, there is a standard checklist of items you need to watch.

For starters, you need to check the frequency, intensity and wavelength.

The frequency should be fully adjustable to ensure you can match your body’s requirements at any given time.

Next, the intensity needs to offer enough level options to make sure the device in question is able to be in sync with your body’s needs.

Finally, the wavelength needs to be selectable so that your body does not feel any shock when you begin to use the PEMF device.

In addition, you should be mindful of things like negative ions, crystals and red light therapy; because all of these combined can match a professional PEMF therapy session and provide you with its personalized benefits.

Since PEMF therapy sessions are not an affordable option for all, a device that mimics these settings can yield the desired results in a fraction of the cost.

Along with all of the above device criteria, you need to make sure all of this is compatible with your biorhythm or your body rest and active cycle.

Nasa conducted a study keeping all of these factors in mind.

A machine that can match the findings of the study is one that can truly provide you with the benefits of PEMF therapy.

A device that can adjust with your body’s intensity, frequency, wavelength, biorhythm needs and can provide negative ions, crystals and red light therapy can ensure it can truly personalize the needs of your body.

Each person has a unique body and a unique set of requirements.

A PEMF therapy device that is designed keeping this in mind and providing the options for personalization can address the many permutations and combinations one may need during PEMF therapy.

Consequently, a well designed PEMF device can mimic your body requirements and help you truly realize the benefits of PEMF therapy.


PEMF Benefits

When you select a PEMF therapy device for you, you want it to check all of the above boxes as you do not want to compromise on any of the requirements.

When it comes to your body and healing, you should not compromise on quality and personalization.

Now that we have discussed the mechanics and the things you should consider while identifying the right PEMF device, it is time to jump right into the benefits.


PEMF Therapy and Cellular Regeneration

One of the biggest aspects of PEMF therapy is that it helps with healing and pain relief by targeting cell regeneration.

Given that our human body is a compilation of many cells, PEMF therapy can be used to alleviate many different types of pain and issues.

For example, a torn muscle can be alleviated through PEMF therapy by rejuvenating the cells around the torn muscle without interfering with the nerve or muscles.

But, it is not limited to just a specific type of cellular regeneration and can work at all parts of your body for many types of ailments.

The fact that PEMF therapy can help with cellular regeneration means that it can be used to prepare the cells to combat the problem or pain around one specific area or the entire body.

In the process, it helps remove toxins that are present in the cells and expedites cellular regeneration.

As a result, PEMF therapy and cellular regeneration have a positive relationship and it can help with overall healing of the human body.


PEMF Therapy and Blood Flow

The human body is complex and it is interconnected.

This means that helping with one thing inside a human body is never exclusive and is often connected with something else.

PEMF therapy works in line with this thought; when PEMF therapy helps with cellular regeneration, it also aids blood flow.

When blood is flowing down the veins of a human body, there are multiple different things that are taking place inside the body.

For example, ions and the movement of ions in particular are integral in blood flow inside the human body.

The use of PEMF therapy can stimulate blood flow by triggering the flow of those ions which stimulates dilation of blood vessels, among other things, to help with improved blood flow.

Both, flow of ions and blood vessel dilation, help with the flow of oxygen across the body and this is particularly helpful when you are trying to heal your body from some type of ailment.

Dilation of blood vessels, or vasodilation, to improve blood flow can be particularly helpful for conditions like high blood pressure or hypertension or other forms of possible heart failure.


PEMF Therapy and Bone Healing

PEMF therapy has the ability to treat bones as well.

The benefits of PEMF therapy in promoting bone health can help with the overall human health and physical activity level of the therapy recipient.

Our bones are also connected with our cells.

Consequently, the magnetic charges of our cells can affect the function of our bones.

For example, conditions like a fracture or osteoporosis can really get in the way of bone health and require some form of bone healing intervention.

NASA used PEMF therapy in the 1970s to address and alleviate bone loss and muscles of astronauts.

From then until now, the field has only expanded and cemented the idea that bone healing through the use of PEMF therapy to stimulate bone stem cells is a fact and not a fad.

While PEMF therapy can help with bone healing of fractures and alleviate overall pain and discomfort related to bone health malfunctions like osteoporosis.

However, the exact benefits and solutions it provides to osteoporosis is still being explored and yet to be discovered.

At the very least, PEMF therapy does help with bone health by expediting recoveries of fractures through stimulation of bone stem cells.

There needs to be more human trials to have a definite understanding of the effects of PEMF therapy on more aspects of bone health.


PEMF Therapy and Nerve Repair

Along with other benefits, PEMF therapy extends to nerve health too.

Nerves are an organ found across the human body and they act as a complex electric circuit field that is in charge of connecting the brain with the rest of the body.

PEMF therapy can help with nerve repair and it acts as an option to combat any nerve related issue.

But to find a solution there needs to be a problem.

In order to damage your nerves you need to have an accident or you need to have undergone some type of surgery.

While the exact nature of each nerve damage is different, both of these instances can get in the way of the existing nerve networks and trigger enormous amounts of pain.

For example, a diabetic person may suffer from nerve damage.

PEMF therapy can stimulate nerve repair through the brain to ensure the complex network of nerves across your body are not altered leaving you with permanent pain and complications.

Studies to identify the exact nature of benefits are ongoing but the studies conducted so far so that PEMF therapy relaxes nerves to stimulate nerve repair and reduces further nerve damage at the very least.

Research findings will shed more light on the exact nature of benefits.


PEMF Therapy and Spine

The bad news is that spine related ailments can trigger a lot of pain and can be chronic.

The good news is that PEMF therapy can aid with the recovery and treatment of spine related ailments.

There are various points in the spine that can trigger a variety of pain.

For example, lumbar disc related pain is among the more common spine related ailments.

Studies show a positive relationship between PEMF therapy and recovery from lumbar disc pain.

Despite the positive relation, there needs to be more research and supporting evidence to further assert the benefits.

Given that the use of PEMF therapy in spine related ailments is a fairly new practice, this is a field that requires more application and research.

However, based on the information in the studies present now, PEMF therapy has positive effects in the recovery process of spine related ailments.

Plus, it is a non invasive option and uses the body’s strength to induce recovery so the risk involved is also minimal.


PEMF Therapy and Sleep

As humans we need our daily shut-eye.

Sleep is part of our daily schedule because it is a vital part of our being.

The sleep cycle we maintain can help alleviate a lot of other underlying problems we have or it can even act as a means of prevention for many ailments.

People have disruptions in sleep cycles due to various reasons and over time it can pose a real threat to our overall health.

PEMF therapy can help ensure your sleep patterns, that could be disrupted by various reasons, are in check.

Disruptions in sleep patterns can take place due to many reasons ranging from sleep disorders to disruption in sleep pattern due to lifestyle choices to drug related side-effects to many other reasons.

For example, a condition like insomnia can result in sleep deprivation or any type of pain can result in sleep deprivation.

Stress and sleep deprivation is often triggered by a lack of a hormone called melatonin produced by the body.

The use of PEMF therapy can stimulate the levels of melatonin production by your body.

Studies show that the use of PEMF therapy, which included blind folded and placebo groups, helped with inducing sleep.

The frequencies released by PEMF devices can help the brain stimulate the production of melatonin and help with an increased sleep cycle.


PEMF Therapy and Ageing

Part of the ageing process is cells dying faster than the ones regenerating.

Given that PEMF therapy stimulates cellular regeneration, it also combats the ageing process.

By enhancing the blood flow, stimulating cellular regeneration and promoting sleep, among other things, PEMF therapy can prolong and delay the ageing process.

When your body is healing in a natural and therapeutic manner then it will reflect in other ways.

For example, your face is also filled with cells and nerves.

A good flow of blood and active cells around this area will show on your face and help you light up and display a natural glow.

This is often regarded as a sign of youthfulness.

Along with PEMF therapy stimulating blood flow and cellular regeneration, the fact that PEMF therapy helps with sleep allows your body to work more efficiently.

Not only does your body work more efficiently, but it also functions at an optimal level – which is often associated with youthfulness.

As a result, the aging process is delayed with the signs showing through your skin and your overall health indicators.


PEMF Therapy and Activity Levels

Delaying the ageing process is not only skin deep.

The fact that prolonged ageing can be visible through your skin means that the process is taking place internally and enhancing your overall body performance by harnessing your body’s strengths.

PEMF therapy has also shown positive effects in physical activities like sports performance.

Given that PEMF therapy stimulates blood flow and helps with cell regeneration, it also aids the body’s ability to take in oxygen.

As a result, your overall health and activity level can be at optimal levels because your body is getting optimal levels of oxygen or the fuel it needs to function.

With this added boost, activity levels are high and can help with things like sports performance.

Apart from improved oxygen intake, PEMF therapy also helps with reducing inflammation of muscles, which is common after strenuous physical activities like sports.

So, PEMF therapy can greatly help with overall activity levels by ensuring your body is functioning at optimal level by stimulating your internal functions.


Conditions that can Benefit from PEMF Therapy

It is established that PEMF therapy can work at a cellular level and beyond, depending on the requirements of your body and ailment.

The process involves a device that triggers the natural electric fields inside your body and your endurance.

PEMF therapy is great for healing from fractures and other bone related ailments.

In addition, PEMF therapy can help with soothing injury by expediting healing by harnessing the body’s strength.

This has been used as a complementary therapy option for a variety of ailments like cancer, multiple sclerosis, osteoarthritis, diabetes, depression and migraines.

Given the positive impacts in current uses, recent studies are taking a more ambitious route and exploring the possibilities of PEMF therapy for diseases like Parkinson’s disease.

The initial findings are positive yet inconclusive.

This is because the research is at a very nascent stage and there needs to be more trials and larger sample size for conclusive evidence.

However, the initial findings are promising enough to encourage further investigation.

Like the findings of this research, there are many other trials ongoing and being built given the wide range of benefits PEMF therapy boasts.

The best part is that PEMF therapy is established to benefit a host of different ailments by stimulating the strength and endurance of the human body.



PEMF therapy has many benefits.

But just like most other things in life, it is important to understand the mechanics involved and to identify the right device for you to reap the maximum benefits of PEMF therapy.

When you explore PEMF therapy do not restrict yourself to expecting the benefits, also consider the mechanics and devices that ensure these benefits are achieved.

While medically administered PEMF therapy sessions are a possibility, it is out of the range of most of the peoples’ pockets.

Understanding the mechanics of PEMF therapy will allow you to identify the right device for you and allow you to administer PEMF therapy at the comfort of your home for a fraction of the price.

While making the decision, keep all of the above in mind and conduct your research towards making an informed decision accordingly.

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